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Deborah's Clan

Arab and Jewish women sharing God's heart, together! Earlier this year, during a time of instability in Israel that was filtering down into the Body of Messiah, a group of women came together in Nazareth to pray, worship and spend time together. God had been speaking to some of the leaders about coming together in true unity, resisting accusations against one another and bringing security to the land. Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian leaders met at HOPE’s (House of Prayer and Exploits) new prayer centre in Nazareth to enjoy this time with each other and to press in to what God is doing in the land.

Messianic worship leader, Karen Davis from Carmel Congregation near Haifa led the first worship session declaring that fire would burn through each one and consume every stronghold - an army of women being raised up in the land!

As host, Rania Sayegh, an Arab Christian and pioneer prayer warrior welcomed everyone and posed the question: “How can we work with the Holy Spirit to heal the land?” She shared how God could use the unity between Arab and Jewish women like a spiritual secret weapon. Many years ago, God spoke to Rania saying, “When the women rise up in the land, there will be security in the land.” Just as in the Book of Judges, when the prophet Deborah arose, there was security in the land. (Judges 5:7).

Rania shared a picture of each woman having keys that open doors of blessing for the earth. “We are keepers of the doors,” she shared, “It is our responsibility. We need to look at the circumstances around us and ask God what He is doing. Our last fight will be against the spirit of accusation.”

Rania’s words were powerful because recent deaths on the Israeli and Palestinian ‘sides’ have led to deep division even in the Body of Messiah with differering political points of view causing pain and offense.

The Believers need to be able to rise above political storms and be the carriers of God’s higher perspective bringing love, forgiveness and reconciliation - pouring Holy Spirit balm over tense emotions.

“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:7-8).

Rania encouraged the women leaders to let their love be constant - even in times of suffering. To love one another despite circumstances needed to be a priority. She quoted Corrie Ten Boom, “There is no panic in heaven.”

Messianic teacher, Orna Grinman also shared from the Book of Ruth, when Ruth tells Naomi, “Don’t entreat me to leave you!” Orna explained that the Hebrew word for “entreat” means to wound. She is saying that Naomi would wound her by insisting she leaves. The same Hebrew word root is found in the word for intercession.

Every time we are wounded, shared Orna, we look for someone to blame, someone to hook it on. Our tendency is to focus on the wound but in God’s Kingdom, we can look at the wound and then turn it into intercession. When we get hurt, she continued, we can ask God where He is in this wound, in this situation. Is He above it, beneath it or in this wound?

By cleaving to Naomi, Ruth received a place in the home of the Kinsman Redeemer.

Sometime after this gathering, a smaller group of Jewish and Arab ‘Deborah’s’ travelled together to Bethlehem on a prophetic journey of healing the land. Inspired by the story of Ruth and her journey to Bethlehem, nine women gathered for lunch and prayer and broke bread together. They prayed for peace and love among both peoples and declared prophetic words over the land. Rania described it as a real netting together of hearts in unity and love - the love of the Believers one for another will release the heart of God for the region!

Let’s join our prayers with these women that God will take their unity and bring security to the Land.


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