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Come, Yeshua, Come!

The celebration of the Feast of Shavuot, or Pentecost in the Greek, often happens around the end of May or early June. Its original significance is focused on the Barley Harvest, bringing the first fruit of the land to the Lord as an offering, a time of giving thanks for God’s provision, and the opportunity to pilgrimage to Jerusalem. There is the sense of marking time within its name: ‘7 weeks’ or ‘50 days’ from Pesach/Passover, and it also carries the weight of God’s covenant with Israel, the giving of the Torah/Instructions which Moses received on Mt Sinai estimated to have happened at this same time of year.

The book of Ruth, the account of which also occurs during the Barley Harvest, reflects this sense of covenant as she leaves her people behind, to be joined permanently to the House of Israel and ultimately, through her marriage to Boaz, to be joined permanently to the genealogy of Yeshua (Jesus). As such, Shavuot speaks to the covenantal relationship between God and His people, akin to a marriage, a shadow and a foretaste of what was to come, counting the time from Yeshua becoming the sacrificial lamb at Pesach, to the awakening of His Bride, the Church at Shavuot with the coming of the Holy Spirit in power. This covenantal picture of marriage is woven into God’s salvation story, not only for His chosen people Israel, but also for those of us grafted into His promises.

Let us continue to pray that the Bride in Israel and across the world will be ready to receive her Bridegroom when He comes in all His glory, as together we cry out with the Spirit, “Come Yeshua, come!”


If you'd like to learn more about the Feast of the Lord in the Bible, Melanie Moscovich has written a lovely book called "God's Goodness through the Biblical Holidays" which can be purchased through her website:

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