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Created to Worship

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

As we write, DOR HABA, a Hebrew and Arabic youth worship ministry is preparing for their annual Summer Camp. A booklet in Hebrew, Arabic and English, a tool to give the teenagers scriptures to pray for different situations and feelings, has gone off to the printers ready for the camp. Every summer DOR HABA brings together Christian Arab and Messianic Jewish teenagers from Israel and Palestinians from the West Bank. The teenagers learn how to pray using scripture and spontaneous worship. They also learn how to work together across cultural and political divides to lead worship, write songs, record them and use their artistic talents together for the Gospel. They produce music videos and worship music – written or translated into Hebrew and Arabic – and original indigenous songs written by the younger generation in Israel.

Tal. the director of Dor Haba says, “the vision behind the summer camp is to see young worshippers, intercessors, filmmakers, photographers and musicians employ the gifts that God has given them and partner together at a young age to witness the advancement of His kingdom in their communities.”

Tal believes in letting young people take initiative, implement ideas and form teams for various outreach projects - one of her favourite times at the Dor Haba camp is when the teenagers, themselves, lead a night of worship and prayer from the stage, choosing their own prayer topics and scriptures to read from as they pray.

Young Jewish and Arab youth leaders ages 19 to 25 (most of them who met each other at the earlier Dor Haba camps as teenagers) come alongside the adult volunteers to help train the 13 to 18-year-olds in their worship teams at the Dor Haba Summer Camp. The teenagers who come to Dor Haba, in turn, help train the 7 to 13-year-olds to form teams for worship and prayer at the Kids’ camps. The subject this year will be: Fearless and Free!

Earlier this year, DOR HABA ran a large camp in Cana in the Galilee followed by a children’s camp in Jerusalem - “The Lord really broke through with the worship with the children,” shared Tal, “it was incredible - really special.”

Tal also spoke at a local women’s conference about encouraging our children and teenagers to have a lifestyle of prayer.

Pray for Tal and her family as she spear-heads the summer camp.

Pray for the Lord’s hand to be upon all the arrangements and preparations and for the Lord to be preparing the hearts of the teenagers and young adults to receive all that He has for them.

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